

No happiness here. I even took an online class for happiness but failed, I would not choose this or wish it on anyone.


I have no happiness to report. Do you?

Sitting around listening to garbage music in order to block away thoughts and issues so I can function. I guess that is my drug of choice again for a while. Interestingly enough I have been aware of junk-culture for almost two decades now and why it works so well in this currently deranged world. It drugs down the problems, takes down the ability to concentrate and leaves very little time over to grasp reality as it is.

Escapism, as it is commonly called; be it reading books, watching TV or searching internet, talking nonsense or making useless plans, walking around in nightlife, walking the dog… Whatever. It is all the same useless nothing inside nothingness. These people, myself barely and at times faking it to be included in this, are in this world and we can rarely face any higher quality in…

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Holiday In Hell

I know.  Christmas is coming.  Christmas is coming and I’m not looking forward to it.  I may not be alone on Christmas but I won’t be with family.  I will probably be alone with my two dogs.  I do have a couple of friends here but they have family here also.  The only thing worse than being alone is being with someone else’s family.

Thanksgiving was awful.  I couldn’t bear weight and my left leg hurt.  There was no turkey, or pie, or any trimmings.  I made a sandwich and shared a bite with the dogs.  My youngest son sent me a text to tell me Happy Thanksgiving and I thanked him wishing him one too.  I emailed my older son but he hasn’t answered.  I won’t be doing any shopping for Christmas.  I don’t have an address to send gifts to.  I have a tree up but no decorations.  No one will see it so I don’t care.

Today I bought jalepeno peppers to make poppers for a friend who requested them.  It reminded me of the holidays because I always make them then.  I hurried and finished my shopping not wanting to cry in the store.  I even smiled at the check out clerk.  The groceries are put up and I am alone where it’s safe.  I no longer cry every day and every night I remind myself as my tears fall.  But tonight will be long as I allow myself to remember it’s almost Christmas.

Thanksgiving Day Alone

For the first time in several years I will not be cooking a turkey or trimmings.  I will not have family here to visit.  I am too far away from them today.  I miss them and wonder if this is what I deserve.  Is this what old age has in store for me?

To my older son – enjoy your family.  To Joe- make our stuffed jalepenos and enjoy.

Feminism’s Heritage: Freedom vs. Special Protections

Jeb Kinnison

Suffragettes - jebkinnison.com Suffragettes – jebkinnison.com

Peter Wright at AVFM pointed out the division among early feminists between those who wanted freedom to enjoy the rights and opportunities of men (voting, professional employment, equal treatment under the law) and those who wanted special treatment (exemptions from military service, favorable alimony and custody rules, lighter criminal sentences, lowered physical qualification standards for physical jobs.) He pointed me to the work of Ernest Belfort Bax, an early (1913) men’s rights advocate:

Modern Feminism rose slowly above the horizon. Modern Feminism has two distinct sides to it: (1) an articulate political and economic side embracing demands for so-called rights; and (2) a sentimental side which insists in an accentuation of the privileges and immunities which have grown up, not articulately or as the result of definite demands, but as the consequence of sentimental pleading in particular cases. In this way, however, a public opinion became established…

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Summary of lefty male anti-feminist tactics

mysandric redux

radical wind

Or: mapping some of the big branches of antifeminism, where they come from and where we are today etc. Or: looking at intersectionality, radical lesbianism, contempt for victims and general male activist / reformist practices from a broader perspective.

I’ve been preparing a synthesis between the criticism of radical lesbianism and intersectionality to have a bigger picture of both and where they come from, and as I see things in patterns I thought I’d first draw it out to make it clearer to myself and others. So this is a first introductory part and more will come later.

We do know the vast majority of women from the women’s movement in the 70s either came from the left or civil rights movement, and were subsequently joined by women coming from lesbian and gay activism.

The positive influence from the left was that women carried with them and further developed the…

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